Top notch professional development: EVOnline 2011

The sessions for the 2011 round of EVOnline workshops aimed at EFL teachers have been released. Although you cannot sign up until the beginning of January it is a good idea to browse the available options so that you can decide which ones you want to join. The organisers recommend that you join no more than two: a limit which it is often difficult for me to keep to because there are so many interesting options.

I am perhaps emotionally attached to these five week free online workshops as I would credit them for awakening my interest in using ICT in teaching way back in 2002 when I first became aware of them. The sessions are free and moderated by generous and cheerful volunteers who give you all the help you need to do the tasks. They are the online precursor to the annual TESOL conference but you don’t need to be a TESOL member or attending the conference in order to participate.

The list for 2011 is below. Click on the link to find out more.

Becoming a Webhead

Re-playing Process Drama

Digital story-telling

PLEs & PLNs for Lifelong Learning Comnpetences

Creating Vocabulary Activities

Multiliteracies for scoial networking & collaborative learning environments

VILLAGE: Language learning & Community Building in Second Life

Mentoring TESOL

Podcasts for the EFL/ESL Classroom

Reflection & Practice: Virtual Education