Month: June 2011

  • Overcoming conflict

    The Beethoven Festival in Bonn, Germany is not a place for amateurs and so to stand on the festival program is a great honour. This honour has been given to a new orchestra, The National Youth Orchestra of Iraq which has recently been formed after the musicians auditioned for places in the orchestra on YouTube.…

  • Intercultural journey

    In the VITAE project (2007-2009) we developed a course to train VET teachers to hone their digital skills while learning how to mentor their colleagues to do the same. In fact the mentoring part seemed to get lost in the scramble to understand how to use the amazing wealth of Web 2.0 technologies out there.…

  • Effective Project Management

    Regular online meetings between infrequent face to face meetings help motivation and cohesion but the CCeD approach seems to be adding even stronger impact to project products. In my role as internal evaluator for the UnderstandIT project it has been interesting to see the result of applying Concurrent Design to the quality of the project…

  • Tower of EU Babel

    Stop Press!!! Google are to abandon and pull Google Translate by the end of the year. Multi-lingualism is at once the bane and the aim of EU projects. How can you reach out to a collection of 27 countries with as many languages? The issue of translation is a key one in the UnderstandIT project,…