Coaching connected learning across borders

I can support learning in online and blended course development (often through EU projects)

Anne Fox
Managing Cultural Diversity, Remagen, Germany, 2018

Project Partner

Varied experience with Nordplus, Erasmus+ and its predecessors

diversophy – intercultural game

Standard and refugee versions of the game for Denmark in the series

Free course package

Support refugees starting a business: course & facilitator training

Latest posts

  • Change management for sustainability

    Change management for sustainability

    There is no shortage of material written about change management but change managment for sustainability deserves specific consideration for several reasons. The Prof E Sus course on Discovering a Sustainable Mindset aimed at teachers of Home Economics ends with a call to make plans for change. This is relevant regardless of whether we are talking…

  • Building a collaborative presentation

    Building a collaborative presentation

    One of the five main aspects of sustainability is the ability to collaborate with others. This is necessary in order to achieve large-scale effects that would not otherwise be possible. Given that a sustainable future is a large-scale project then collaboration makes sense. One idea to make this advantage of collaboration concrete is to contribute…

  • #Everydaysustainability


    Since we are at the level of mindset, action and values in the Prof E Sus project,  rather than knowledge, we need to look for indicators of a sustainable mindset in our students (and colleagues and organisation otherwise there is no role model for the students in their everyday practice in the classroom/workplace). How can…

  • Why learner-centred?

    Why learner-centred?

    We partners in the Prof E Sus project are adamant on this point. If a sustainable mindset is to be nurtured to the extent that it becomes second nature in your students then the path to this state has to be strongly learner-centred. But why? It can look a little strange to see the list…

  • Why confrontation?

    Why confrontation?

    Why do we need confrontation? Green pedagogy (PDF) advocates starting a learning session by presenting learners with a confrontation, provocation or contradiction. One of our challenges is translating the original Austrian idea of Green Pedagogy which has been described in German, into other languages. So whether the German konfrontation should be translated as contradiction, provocation or…

  • Stort engagement og mange ideer

    Stort engagement og mange ideer

    ProfESus-kursus succesfuldt afsluttet Det sidste og fjerde modul af ProfESus blended learning kursus ”Opdag en bæredygtig tankegang – for fremtidsorienterede fagfolk der arbejder indenfor branchen for gæstgiveri” foregik ved LAUREA – University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Deltagere fra 14 forskellige lande præsenterede deres planer for undervisningsaktiviteter, som de havde udviklet i den online del af…

  • High commitment and many ideas

    High commitment and many ideas

    ProfESus-Course successfully finalized The last Module 4 of the ProfESus blended learning course ”Discovering a Sustainable Mindset – for future-thinking professionals in guest-oriented businesses” was conducted at LAUREA – University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Participants from 14 different countries presented their learning activity plans, which they had developed in the online Module 3 and conducted…

  • Progress on Sustainable Mindset

    Progress on Sustainable Mindset

    We have been working hard in the Prof E Sus project on all aspects of sustainable mindsets: Defining them Identifying them Quantifying them Assessing them Find out more in the latest newsletter below. Newsletter_ProfESus May 18 

  • Teachers as designers of learning environments

    Teachers as designers of learning environments

    A free book from the OECD which is a useful overview of innovative pedagogies.  

  • Invitation to the course

    Invitation to the course

    An invitation to the course starting end of February.

Thanks a lot. I will suggest you as a teacher to my friends that will need to study English. You are really a good teacher!


Physics student