The first meeting

Yesterday I had my first official lesson with my new group for the blended English course. I have designed the course to centre around a simulation whereby the participants will go through the planning stages of setting up an online business.

Then you told me that you are in fact thinking of setting up an online business aimed at the American market and would I mind if you used that as your project. For me this is an ideal scenario which it would be too much to hope to replicate in repeated runs of this course. Ready-made engagement and authenticity on a plate.

I just hope that the needs of the course do not diverge too much from the real project planning you will need to do.

At the moment your task is to set up an elgg account which I note that half of you have done. It remains to be seen whether I will be able to get round to demonstrate the e-portfolio possibilities of elgg. First things first, lets get you blogging.