EdStartUp – late start

I have just become aware of the EdStartUp course which started at the end of August and which I’d very much like to participate in. As I have just started my association with I Go To China, a social enterprise addressing the shortage of English teachers in rural China, the idea of combining the provision of much needed learning opportunities with entrepreneurship is very attractive and I’m curious to explore the possibilities. I know that there is an explosion of activity in the entrepreneurial ed startup field and I’m looking forward to finding out more.

As my intro task I am including an elevator pitch (made at my desk) which I made 12 months ago but which needs improving by being shortened, hence the subtitle of tall building, and by getting me to speak more directly to the camera. However the content is valid so I include it here.

VIdeo does not seem to work in Firefox but works OK in Internet Explorer.

Staring late means that I have had the advantage of seeing how others have tackled their intro task. I must say that Nellie Deutsch’s observation that the best way of learning is by teaching definitely resonates with me and is even confirmed in the latest issue of New Scientist.