Getting the most out of a diverse adult classroom,the Culture basics for adult educators course, will last three weeks. Enroll here for $75

What’s on offer?
As society becomes more diverse, the job of the adult education teacher includes a need to be aware of the different cultures in the room. Awareness of your own culture and those of your students will help you better to understand their expectations and norms as well as ways of widening your teaching repertoire.

This short three week course will introduce you to

  • basic concepts of culture
  • cultural dimensions
  • stereotypes and their effect in the classroom
  • dialogue as a tool for understanding
  • tasks to promote self-awareness

You will work with your course colleagues through the tasks. There will be 6-9 tasks each week. These will take you 5-7 hours to complete each week.

We will be working in the teacher’s own course environment with regular meetings in WiZiQ

Target group
You need to be an adult educator with current or recent experience in the adult education classroom.
This course will be useful to adult educators with a diverse student group. eg training migrants or international students
You need to be prepared to work with your course colleagues on some of the tasks each week.
It may be a good idea to enrol at the same time as a colleague to magnify the benefit to yourself and your institution.spices-541974_640