Coaching connected learning across borders

I can support learning in online and blended course development (often through EU projects)

Anne Fox
Managing Cultural Diversity, Remagen, Germany, 2018

Project Partner

Varied experience with Nordplus, Erasmus+ and its predecessors

diversophy – intercultural game

Standard and refugee versions of the game for Denmark in the series

Free course package

Support refugees starting a business: course & facilitator training

Latest posts

  • Sustainability bingo

    One of the foundations of promoting a sustainable approach is to ensure that sustainability is embedded as a mindset as explained  by Jamie Cloud of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in the video below. But how do you promote a mindset? Here’s a suggestion for introducing the idea, first with silent bingo which means…

  • Changing mindsets

    Changing mindsets

    The Prof E Sus project’s main aim is to promote a sustainable mindset in vocational students. What does that involve? And doesn’t that sound a little sinister? Brainwashing perhaps? Or is it what education (literally to bring out) should have been about all the time? Promoting mindsets is popular in education. At the moment we…

  • Visioning exercise

    Visioning exercise

    Below is a sample exercise for the ProfESus course “Be my Sustainable Guest” which would be part of an online unit exploring the potential for Futures Thinking.

  • A culture of sustainability

    A culture of sustainability

    Can we look for inspiration of creating a sustainable mindset by looking at intercultural training tools? That was one of the questions I set out to answer in my session at the SIETAR Congress in Dublin at the end of May. The ProfESus Erasmus+ project is aimed at those who train hospitality skills in small-scale…

  • Resources for EfS in vocational training

    Resources for EfS in vocational training

    One of the first products released by the ProfESus project will be a collection of resources that can help teacher trainers to set up similar teacher training courses for teachers of vocational skills. This consists of two parts. The first part is a booklet of the basic principles of sustainability in vocational training and the strategies…

  • Built on learning outcomes

    Built on learning outcomes

    Having established a need and demand, a new course should be built on learning outcomes. This is enshrined in many quality assurance processes and before any financial support is given either by government or supranational bodies such as the EU. Therefore having been granted financial support under the Erasmus+ programme by the EU to develop…

  • Built on values

    Built on values

    It was a pleasure to watch an accomplished, knowledgeable and honest politician at work yesterday when I went to hear Connie Hedegaard talking about climate change and what needs to be done on a political level. Hedegaard is no longer a politician but has been an MP in the Danish parliament, Denmark’s Minister for the Environment…

  • Blended learning for sustainability

    Blended learning for sustainability

    How to convince classroom teacher trainers that you can train vocational trainers to help their students develop a sustainability mindset online as well as face to face? As part of the Bonn Multiplier Event I ran a workshop on blended learning for sustainabilty. See the slides here.

  • How deep is your green?

    How deep is your green?

    One of the dilemmas of those advocating a more sustainable lifestyle is about how radical the change should be. Is it enough to buy sustainably? Will the buying habits of individuals have a positive impact on the Doomsday clock? The view of experts such as Dr Sylvia Lorek is that legislation on the issue of…

  • Connecting Online 2017

    I was honoured to be asked to share as part of Connecting Online 2017 during which I gave an overview of the Prof E Sus project about how we are planning to prepare vocational teachers of guest-oriented jobs to help their students have a more sustainable mindset. You can flick through the slides here. It…