It’s that time of year again when the New year wishes are combined with the opportunity to participate in free professional development offered by TESOL. I started back in 2002 since when the range and number of sessions has grown substantially. The list is always enticing and I usually end up enrolling for more than the recommended two. However this year I must be especially careful since I will for the first time be a moderator of one of the sessions and this will naturally be my first priority.
The session I have helped to develop is the Digifolios and Personal Learning Spaces one since it is an extension of the idea we are trying to promote in the VITAE project that professionals have a responsibility to take charge of their own learning. However there are several other sessions this year which are of particular interest to me as the project coordinator of the VITAE project such as the mentoring, conflict resolution, tips and tricks, what’s in the library and virtual worlds and language learning sessions.
If you are interested and hesitating (lack of time, not a language teacher and so on) then I would suggest that you just go ahead and do it. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain! Registration is from now until January 14th. The sessions start on January 12 and last for six weeks.
The sessions are described as follows:
For six weeks , participants can engage with ESOL experts in collaborative, online discussion sessions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions will bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by the four-day land-based TESOL convention and will allow a fuller development of ideas and themes of the convention or of professional interest in general.
The sessions are free and open to all interested parties.
You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate.
Sessions are organized by TESOL’s CALL