Cultural diabetes

Get out there and create something! That’s the message from Lunefeld who likens downloading and uploading stuff online to eating and exercising. Too much eating (downloading) and not enough exercising (uploading) leads to obesity and what he memorably terms ‘cultural diabetes’. The opinion piece published in New Scientist by Peter Lunenfeld makes a powerful case for not simply being a couch potato and accepting all the junk served up to us from the Net. Instead we should devote a great deal more energy to producing our own material. The piece was a taster of Lunefeld’s new book ‘The Secret War between Uploading and Downloading’ and I could immediately see the application for ICT in the classroom. Too often we fix on resource lists of best websites to visit in order to gain access to information. But the deepest learning happens when our learners create artefacts, be they digital or physical, for themselves. That’s what is so rewarding with Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis and audio forums.