Coaching connected learning across borders
I can support learning in online and blended course development (often through EU projects)

Project Partner
Varied experience with Nordplus, Erasmus+ and its predecessors
diversophy – intercultural game
Standard and refugee versions of the game for Denmark in the series
Free course package
Support refugees starting a business: course & facilitator training
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PowerPoint pedagogy
I am not seriously suggesting that there is such a thing as PowerPoint pedagogy however, I thought I might explain how we use slide presentations in the 9 Conversations programme as a conversation guide. An old New Yorker magazine article about the effect of PowerPoint, quotes Clifford Nass as saying that PowerPoint has raised the…
Using video to teach the BMC
How can a short video containing little information help a group of people to develop their own Business Model Canvas(BMC)? In the 9 Conversations project, supported under the EUs Erasmus+ programme, we have developed a 9 week programme to help people extend their professional network with relevant contacts and develop their story about their business…
Historien om din nye virksomhed
Er du ny i Danmark og nysgerrig om hvordan det kunne være at starte egen virksomhed her i Syddjurs? Er du klar til at arbejde 4 timer om ugen over 9 uger til at finde ud af det? Ved det gratis forløb, 9 Samtaler, består ‘arbejdet’ i at man snakker om sin ide gentagende gange…
The 9 Conversations program as a BMC
The 9 Conversations project is developing a programme for refugees wishing to start a business in their new location. The central tool that will be used by the programme is the Osterwalder Business Model Canvas. Each participant will be working to build their own Business Model Canvas. The image below is an experiment in trying…
9 Conversations at SIETAR
I was able to present the 9 Conversations project at the Belgian SIETAR Congress. What was interesting was that I was sharing a track with others who were doing similar or complementary work. 9 Conversations from Anne Fox
Funding as a game
Having spent the last two years developing the diversophy migrant game for Denmark, I was invited by George Simons to help facilitate his pre-Congress workshop on gamification of intercultural training at the SIETAR Congress in Belgium in May. One of my slots was to describe how we got funding to develop the Danish version of…
Presenting the diversophy migrant edition
Delegates at the IATEFL conference in Liverpool in April had the chance to try out the diversophy migrant game. It certainly led to conversation and dialogue, the prime intention of the game, when I heard comments such as the following during the game: Well I would never call my teacher by their first name so…
Exploring learning journals
Can you detect the effect of professional development interventions by examining teacher learning journals? I and my two co-authors attempted to find this out by applying content analysis to the learning journals we asked participants to keep during the Prof E Sus course on Developing a Sustainable Mindset. We used the Leximancer content analysis software…
Green Pedagogy deconstructed
The University College for Environmental and Agrarian Pedagogy in Vienna created the concept of Green Pedagogy. It is a challenge to translate the Green Pedagogy model from German to English so I interviewed Johanna Michenthaler, project coordinator of the Prof E Sus project and professor at the university, about the approach and she used a…
Final Prof E Sus newsletter
The final newsletter of the Prof E Sus project is out and you can download it here: Newsletter_ProfESus_01_2019_v3 The newsletter contains a round up of the contributions to the international conference held in Vienna in November as well as some feedback from past participants of the Prof E Sus course.