Coaching connected learning across borders
I can support learning in online and blended course development (often through EU projects)

Project Partner
Varied experience with Nordplus, Erasmus+ and its predecessors
diversophy – intercultural game
Standard and refugee versions of the game for Denmark in the series
Free course package
Support refugees starting a business: course & facilitator training
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diversophy® migrant-spil: Danmark
Guide til facilitering Formål I projektet “diversophy® migrant-spil – Danmark” har vi haft særligt fokus på at udvikle diversophy®dialog-spil til at skabe dialog og relationer i små danske landsbysamfund. Derfor har vi skabt nogle særlige processer omkring spillet, som beskrives her. Denne guide til facilitering skal ses som en udvidelse til diversophys®officielle Facilitation Guide. Hvor? Dette…
Business FAQ for migrants
Although the category of refugee business is probably rather small, it is very likely that you are familiar with at least one. These are not usually at the glamorous start-up end but more at the run-of-the-mill pizzaria and hairdresser end. Even so, it is quite daunting to arrive in a country not speaking the language and…
Digital assessment
How can assessment be enhanced through the use of digital tools? This is a big question I was asked by a specific Norwegian higher education department and needs to be taken in stages.
Implementing provocation
Provoke me if you want me to learn Ewan McIntosh Provocation is a key starting point of the Austrian Green Pedagogy model and can be difficult to understand. I have earlier explained why it is needed. In this post I aim to offer a few ideas about how to implement provocation.
Dialogue to bridge differences
What is a virtual exchange? Maybe not what you think. We dig deeper into that in this special edition of Absolutely Intercultural coming to you from Denmark. The latest show is mainly about promoting dialogue between different groups of people. So what is dialogue? And can you tell the difference between dialogue and, for example,…
The Prof E Sus video is out!
Here it is! Discover your Sustainable Mindset: A professional development training for teachers of home economics. Acknowledgement
Who took the Prof E Sus course?
In this post I will present a profile of one of the participants in the Prof E Sus pilot course, ‘Discovering a Sustainable Mindset’. In this interview I talk with Christine Atkinson who is based in Zanzibar and who is now General Manager at Chako, a sustainable social enterprise. The audio is below. And below…
Mindset visualised
An important point to emphasise is that the Prof E Sus project is very much about how to cultivate, promote and maintain a sustainable mindset in your (home-economics) learners. It has been very challenging to refer to this very abstract concept. Turns out that visualisations are one very useful tool to help others understand our…
Sustainable mindset teacher training curriculum
Could showing a curriculum in graphic format reach a wider audience? In the Prof E Sus project we have been developing and piloting a course, Discovering a Sustainable Mindset, for home economics teachers and trainers to help them promote sustainable ways of working in their learners. Our second major product was a curriculum document designed…
Promotion of sustainable development through innovative teaching
Come to Vienna at the end of November to this free conference to learn more about cultivating a sustainable mindset through relevant pedagogies. International Education Conference 2018 enabling – provocation – reflection Education 4.0 – Promotion of Sustainable Development through Innovative Teaching University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy 29th and 30th of November, 2018…