Category: Pedagogy
Stort engagement og mange ideer
ProfESus-kursus succesfuldt afsluttet Det sidste og fjerde modul af ProfESus blended learning kursus ”Opdag en bæredygtig tankegang – for fremtidsorienterede fagfolk der arbejder indenfor branchen for gæstgiveri” foregik ved LAUREA – University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Deltagere fra 14 forskellige lande præsenterede deres planer for undervisningsaktiviteter, som de havde udviklet i den online del af…
High commitment and many ideas
ProfESus-Course successfully finalized The last Module 4 of the ProfESus blended learning course ”Discovering a Sustainable Mindset – for future-thinking professionals in guest-oriented businesses” was conducted at LAUREA – University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Participants from 14 different countries presented their learning activity plans, which they had developed in the online Module 3 and conducted…
Progress on Sustainable Mindset
We have been working hard in the Prof E Sus project on all aspects of sustainable mindsets: Defining them Identifying them Quantifying them Assessing them Find out more in the latest newsletter below. Newsletter_ProfESus May 18
Teachers as designers of learning environments
A free book from the OECD which is a useful overview of innovative pedagogies.
An arrow to the future
Second in my series of sample tasks for a teacher training to help teachers of guest-oriented vocational skills infuse their teaching with more sustainable approaches. This task is proposed for the end of the course when participants are about to go their separate ways. The main aim is to get participants making concrete plans for…
Building an ESD trainer FAQ
Sample task for a teacher training targeted at teachers of guest-oriented vocational skills (food preparation, maintaining cleanliness and textile care). Aims: to anticipate some of the most frequent questions about shifting to a sustainability mindset to add and adapt to a template FAQ to discuss ESD with stakeholders and colleagues Time: 60 – 75 minutes…
Sustainability mindset 101
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them The quote often attributed to Einstein perfectly explains why it is the mindset which needs to be targeted if we want our students of guest-oriented vocational skills to act more sustainably. Put another way: nothing changes unless mindset…
Recognising a sustainable mindset
There’s a great deal of talk in educational circles about mindset at the moment, mostly directed at nurturing a growth mindset. But when you set out to intentially promote a certain mindset, it quickly becomes clear that it is very difficult to observe a particular mindset and even more difficult to measure progress towards the…